Useful Tools

Collaborative Audio Performance


Live performance featuring artists involved in Useful Tools – an electronic sound project with artist Hannah Sawtell and Vivid Projects, Birmingham. Through April and June Hannah worked with Old Bort, Laura Fox, Khush Kali, Indira Lakshmi, Sam Owen, Heather Reid, Davinia-Ann Robinson, Natalie Roe, Emily Scarrott & Emily Warner to collaborate and build together a sonic performance.

Hosted on both floors at Centrala on the 23 June from 7-9pm the performance brought together work created through the group using a web-based sound programme coded in partnership between Sawtell and interdisciplinary artist and researcher Lizzie Wilson.

Live streamed performance can be viewed here.

Building on Sawtell’s interests in technology & access, Useful Tools provides an opportunity for women from a wide range of creative backgrounds to explore sound and performance. Paid bursaries have been provided to support time and access to the programme and participants were recruited through an open call in Spring of 2023.

Beyond the performance in Birmingham, Useful Tools will exist as a free to use, web based sound programme coded in partnership between Sawtell and interdisciplinary artist and researcher Lizzie Wilson.

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